It surprises no one that Joe Abboud, CEO of Trifalga, is a straight talking, savvy businessman. But it surprises many in the hard edged world of property development that Joe is also deeply spiritual, with a strong sense of self and our place in the world fundamental to his every day thinking.
“I know in essence our true state of being is one of pure potentiality,” explains Joe. “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience but spiritual beings having a human experience. I know that. But I also know that on a daily basis I surprise people with these conversations. It’s not uncommon for them to say things like: ‘wow, I never would have thought you are like this, that you know these things or you are open to this kind of spirituality’.”
For Joe, it is moments in time like this that spark a connection, and enable us all to remain open to the endless possibilities that life offers.
Connections like these can be instantaneous or a slow realisation. Either way, for our brains, the links are profoundly powerful. And can lead to all kinds of success.
“Whether in person, or purely in our minds, so much of our human experience is about the connections we make with others,” says Joe. “To connect with another human being on a cognitive level, or be genuinely inspired by someone – whoever that person may be – is to tap into the pure potential of the universe.”
As a cornerstone of a small, but high achieving team, Joe’s style of leadership is focused on building and connecting people with encouragement, empowerment and inspiration.
“I find the best way to do those things well is to talk as little as possible and to lead by example. But to truly stretch those around you to be the best possible versions of themselves, you have to be able to inspire.”
Yet inspiration is difficult to define. How do you do it? What does it look like? How do you know when you feel it?
When inspiration happens to you or because of you, a bit like falling in love, you just know it’s there. Both sensations stimulate the neurochemicals in your brain causing a chemical surge in your blood stream making your heart beat faster or your brain light up like a neon sign. Either way, you know when you feel it.
“You are never too old, too wise, too experienced to be grounded – or elevated – by the thoughts or teachings of others,” says Joe. “To read something that seems to relate to the exact moment or situation you are in can single handedly restore your faith in human nature.”
Joe says it’s important to constantly consider the ‘real’ things in life and your authentic self, both of which can be easy to forget in the daily rush to the finish line.
“Sometimes, the universe does conspire in our favour and if we allow ourselves to submit to pure potentiality, then anything and everything is possible.”
Tapping into the power of inspiration and human connection will drive Trifalga forward in 2019. As the property sector faces continued challenges and inevitable pressures, for Trifalga it’s a time of opportunity. A time to find certainty through uncertainty while inspiring and being inspired as the next cycle begins.
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